September’s FitParent

As we talked about surrounding ourselves with positive people last week, we decided to start a monthly feature: a FitParent of the month.  This person is someone who inspires us in the world of parenting our little munchkin(s), setting a good example, and taking time for health and fitness.  This person can be someone in our community, YOUR community or in the blogging world.

When talking about our very first FITPARENT, there was no question who we wanted to choose.  I already had my idea written down in my “blog book” and Jamie messaged me who she thought it should be- it was the same person…

Our dear friend, Farrah!

Farrah pic


I met Farrah last summer at our gym (of course), and we have grown to become close friends.  She is extremely kind, has a huge heart, and has two of the most awesome munchkins I know (her husband is quite the caring individual as well).  The one thing adore about Farrah is her passion to advocate for her children whether it is their education, extracurricular activities or health; she is their #1 cheerleader.

Farrah is a full-time working mom (a teacher) who does the very best job I have ever seen at managing it all- quite impressive.  I understand the demands in the world of education these days and I continually impressed with her ability to effectively teach her students, raise her children with intention, be a good wife, create time for her friends, and still take time for herself.  She understands the importance of taking care of herself so she can take care of her family.  I don’t know how she does it, but she does it well!  One other thing I really love about Farrah is that although health and fitness is a huge priority in her life, she is never too hard on herself and enjoys life.  Farrah has no problem eating birthday cake with her kids, enjoying cinnamon toast at Cafe Patachou, or indulging in a pumping treat here and there during the fall months- she understands balance

Without further ado, meet Farrah…

Q: What inspires you?

Farrah: I am inspired by all of my fitness friends who I have met over the past 2 and half years. Everyone has a personal story for staying fit and they are individually inspiring. My fitness friends keep me accountable when I feel really unmotivated.

Q: How do you make time in your busy schedule for your own health and fitness?

Farrah: At the beginning of each week, I figure out what my schedule will be based on work and my kids’ schedules. Then I figure out what classes I can get to and what time. Sometimes I pay-to-play or try something new to keep my body guessing, and if I pay for classes in advance, I definitely show up.  I will try anything once!

Farrah Jumping

Q: What is your favorite workout?

Farrah: Turbo will always be my first love for an awesome cardio workout. It is the workout that made me make fitness a priority. TRX is my favorite strength because there are so many exercises you can do with your own body weight, not to mention the stretch on a TRX is unparalleled.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do with your munchkins?

Farrah:  We are SO busy during the week, that I love when we can all sit down for family movie night or enjoy a family program on the Disney channel. We also really enjoy trips to the zoo and family walks to the park and through our neighborhood.

Farrah and her kids

Q: What is a goal you have for  yourself?

My long term fitness goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and make myself a priority as best I can. My short term goals consist of getting PiYo certified and maybe even getting TRX certified, and maybe, off in the distant future, I will be brave enough to teach some type of fitness class. (Gulp!) I want to always set a good example for my kids and make sure they are never afraid to try something, even if it’s just one time.

Farrah in Fitness Tank


Do you have a Fitfriend who inspires you?

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