New Title: “Stay-at-home-working-Mommy.”


When I told Hollie I wanted to blog about working from home I really had no idea what direction this post would lead me!  See, I’d hardly call what I do “work” – – working with others & helping them to lead healthy lifestyles is truly my passion.  When I found out that I could make this my “job” – you can’t imagine how happy that made me!  Before kids I was a marketing executive for an entertainment licensing firm here in Indy.  I worked there for over 10 years & once Parker was born, I went strictly to “trying” to work from home.  This “go” at working from home lasted until Parker became mobile & I could no longer sit & really concentrate in front of my computer enough to get my job done well.  Not to mention, no longer was I passionate about what I was doing – – my passion was being a good Mommy to my kids (priorities, right?)  Fast forward to a time in our lives (Parker was about 3) when I so desperately NEEDED to find something to do that brought some extra income in for our family (having a husband in sales can be tough, especially on a family of 4!).  I had just joined our local YMCA because 1.  The gym where I had been going was just too expensive.  2.  I had discovered an incredible instructor at the Y & couldn’t imagine NOT taking her classes weekly.  At one point in my life I would have NEVER considered the Y for a gym….you know, back in the days when I was working, finances were stable and we were kid-free – – it’s funny how God moves you in one direction later in life that is seemingly perfect for your current situation!  No sooner did I dive head on into the GREAT group fitness classes at the Y that I started to become aware of just WHAT I could possibly “do” with my love of health and fitness.  Who knew that the charismatic, SUPER talented favorite instructor which had caused me to join the Y was also going to, in turn, change my life?  SHE didn’t know the problems we were facing financially, nor did many people to be honest.  She just saw my enthusiasm for health and fitness & promptly asked me to “join her team!”  By joining her “team” – I became a Beachbody Coach & have been “working” from home SERVING other people for over 1 year now.  I simply HELP others become healthy – – fitness + nutrition, it goes hand in hand.  This “work” has fueled my passion for what I’ve always known I’ve wanted to do in life – work in the health and fitness industry.  Now I get to do this FROM HOME where I never feel like I am missing a single step with my kiddies!  “How?” you may ask when I say I do this from home (and actually make a pretty steady income – bonus!) AND it doesn’t disrupt my “family life.”  Well, I simply MAKE the time I need to work & do it when the kids aren’t around.  For me that means waking up at 5am EVERY morning and “working,” which I honestly look forward to – – it’s quiet, I can enjoy my coffee in peace & remember, I love what I do, so I’m anxious to wake up & “check in” every morning!  I run various fitness support and accountability groups online & the rush I get when these groups are really clicking and working hard is indescribable!  Because I’m an “early bird” – that is my 1.5 hour POWER time to get things squared away & in place for the rest of the day.  And, the rest of the day is really just maintenance after that – – I can check in with my groups here and there, but I never feel like I have to STOP what I’m doing with my family to “work.”  Sure there are times when I sit up after the kids have gone to bed, but since I wake up so early, it’s usually only until 9:30 or so!  There’s really no “secret” to what I do – – for me it’s been about finding something I am passionate about doing & then making that “work” for my family.  I am forever changed thanks to a dear friend dragging me to the Y for that very first Turbokick class & for that, I will be forever grateful!  I’m super proud to say I am a “stay-at-home WORKING Mommy!”

I’m curious….do YOU work from home?

How do you make it “work” for your family?

Friday Favorite: Jamie’s Not-So-Secret Weapon(s) for Perfect Wavy Hair

Changing things up a little on this lovely Friday & highlighting two of my (not-so-secret) weapons for HAIR!  I get asked (often) how I curl my hair & I will tell you that’s been quite a learning process, but now I have it down to a science (when I do take the time to curl it)!!!  I think I first asked my hair stylist HOW THE HECK I could create those beachy, beautiful waves I had been seeing (I had tried unsuccessfully for months!) & she amazed me by giving me the 1 tip I needed to get going – – “Curl away from your face!”  Duh!  I was doing it totally wrong!  After that appointment I did what any normal female in search of advice would do – – started searching Pinterest for tutorials!  I found ONE that I love & really taught me all of the tricks I use now – – get ready to be amazed b/c it really is just THIS simple!  You’ll need two of my secret weapons:  1.  A Hot Tools curling iron (1.5 inch barrel) and 2.  Big Sexy Hair Spray & Play Harder hairspray:


Now that you have these two VERY important items – – check out the tutorial I found over at Cupcakes and Cashmere as it really was my saving grace!  Prepare to spend a few hours in the bathroom “practicing” this process, but I promise once you get it figured out – – you’re golden!  That’s all there is to it!


It’s a…


We’re on “bump watch” no more!  I’m SO excited to announce that we have a new “munchkin” in the house – – Hollie gave birth to a perfect baby boy yesterday evening!  Maxwell David is HERE weighing in at 8lbs 1 oz!  All of Hollie’s hard work in the gym (and on the pavement) certainly paid off as her delivery was quick and easy!  CONGRATULATIONS to Hollie and her cute family!



Friday Fave: Jamie’s Favorite Gym Shoes


A quickie Friday Favorite on this BUSY Friday at our house!  I know favorite workout shoes vary from person to person & what may work for someone may totally NOT work for someone else……I get that.  All that said, however, I have sworn by my Nike Free TR Fit’s for the past 2 years.  Once a Nike Lunarglide-lover, now I can only consider these lovely training shoes for all of my various activities because they have been PERFECT for every group fitness class that I currently take:  Turbokick, Insanity (well….I’ve fallen off that boat, but they WERE great for that format), Boot Camp-style classes, strength classes, TRX, Body Pump and I’ve even worn these for quick :30 minute PiYo sessions after a cardio class.  I’ll even sport these when doing an at home workout like Focus T25 & I’m not on carpeting (Shaun T. even does his T25 barefoot on carpeting!)  Since they’re Nike, too, you know that you’re going to be treated to some awesome colors and patterns!  I’m on my 3rd pair of these now & I admit that I check Nordstrom almost weekly to see if they have any great sales on different colors!

What’s YOUR favorite workout shoe?

Anyone else a Nike-lover?


Hey YOU – – Don’t Skip Breakfast!


Confessions of an ex-breakfast skipper here!  Admittedly breakfast is NOT one of my most favorite meals of the day and because of that I have a looooong history of doing whatever I could to avoid eating a GOOD breakfast and trying to get through the rest of my day (running on fumes).  This ALL changed over a year ago when I discovered MY perfect breakfast after struggling to get through some pretty intense group fitness classes that I had been taking (and loving).  Who likes to hear their stomach growl halfway through a class or even feel dizzy, un-focused and flat out TIRED when you are trying to concentrate and CHANGE your body?  Little did I know I wasn’t helping to change my body….I was actually harming my body by doing this.  WHY is eating breakfast so important?   Your brain & central nervous system runs on glucose (that’s the fuel you need to walk, talk, think….etc.)…..sooo, if you’ve not eaten since the day/night before, your brain is surely deprived the next day (going 10-14 hours without), making it harder for your body to break down any carbohydrates and/or turn fats / proteins into a usable form for your brain to function!  Eating breakfast has been proven to improve concentration, problem-solving ability, mental performance, memory & mood.  FUELING your body first thing is KEY.  No wonder I had a hard time figuring out choreography or staying focused enough to memorize those “important” Turbos in class – – my brain just wasn’t functioning at full capacity.  IT WAS HUNGRY!

Many people also feel like if they skip breakfast they’ll lose weight…..WRONG!  Skipping breakfast actually leads to overeating later in the day.  Becoming over-hungry leads to a feeling of lack of control (hello, who hasn’t been HANGRY before?) and distorted satiety signals (meaning it’s harder to determine when you are actually full).  This can resort in taking in MORE calories than if one had eaten a appropriate breakfast.  In fact, it’s easier to control weight by eating frequent SMALL meals and snacks (healthy of course).

I know, if you’re a fellow busy mom out there or busy professional rushing out the door daily to get to work, breakfast can be tricky!  Don’t let time constraints be your excuse – – plan ahead & choose breakfast wisely.  For me, personally, time wasn’t a big factor in my “non eating breakfast days” – it was more I was convinced I didn’t like breakfast food & I wasn’t trying to eat the RIGHT things to fuel my body for optimal performance.  My own “perfect breakfast” actually turned out to be something I had heard about for months….something I had fought hard about NOT trying or believing in…..yep, the answer was right there compliments of my favorite fitness instructor who SWORE by her “daily dose of dense nutrition” – – Shakeology!   At first I hated the idea of a shake – could it REALLY fill me up, not bloat my stomach (yep, all other “protein” shakes had done this in the past) and get me through her TOUGH group fitness classes?   After just 4 days of “shake-testing”, I was sold.  Now, for me – – my go to, EVERY morning breakfast is a large glass of Shakeology.  Simply, it makes me feel amazing…..I crush fitness classes, am satisfied for hours, I can avoid over-eating later, I snack less & let’s be honest, it’s true “Mommy Fuel.”


Of course I realize that this is not the answer for everyone….some people actually like to EAT breakfast, they just don’t do it efficiently.   Let’s talk about a few wholesome & healthy breakfast options….

1.  Steel cut oats with fruit and nuts – check out this Overnight Oatmeal with Blueberries and Almonds or in honor of fall quickly approaching, how about Pumpkin Pie Baked Oatmeal?

2.  Breakfast sandwiches or wraps (I make these often for my kiddies):  A whole wheat English muffin, scrambled egg, turkey sausage, a slice of cheese (if that’s your thing) & voila!  I also like this idea (but hate the name:  The Low Calorie Breakfast Sandwich 0r this one Western Omelet Breakfast Sandwich.  You could easily mix and match these types of ingredients, do gluten-free breads & play around with the cheeses, etc.

3.  Eggs!  The perfect protein!  Check out:  Mini Egg White Fritatta’s  (awesome for on the go), Baked Eggs in Avocados (who doesn’t LOVE avocados?), or if you’re a kale-lover, Sweet Potato & Kale Baked Eggs.

4.  HEALTHY muffins (yes, they exist – – so steer clear of the ones that are calling your name from behind the glass at Starbucks – you know they are FILLED with sugar, fat and junk):  Pumpkin Protein Muffins, Antioxidant Power Muffins, or for a eggy option in the muffin category Egg and Spinach Fritatta Muffins.


5.  Pancakes & Waffles (yep, something that can also be made HEALTHY):  Wonderful Waffles, Orange Vanilla Greek Yogurt Pancakes (yum!), and Blueberry Oatmeal Waffles.

Are YOU an everyday breakfast-eater?

What’s your favorite breakfast?

Share away!

Friday Fave Featuring: Cafe Patachou


Today I’m highlighting one of my all time favorite breakfast, brunch & lunch spots:  Cafe Patachou.  Actually, I love any of the “-chous” in our area since I nothing but love for Petite Chou as well!   I have been meeting good friends and family at Patachou for years now & I have yet to be disappointed.  We’ve celebrated birthdays, new babies, back to school, shopping trips and new business ventures at Patachou.  It’s really a “happy place” for me & I haven’t even started to talk about the food!  Just the thought of Patachou coffee with a friend makes me smile – you can’t beat a cup of their Highlander Grog and a seat next to a good friend.  The menu at Patachou is farm-fresh & healthy with JUST the right amount of decadence if you’re in the mood to treat yourself (hello – who’s had their cinnamon toast?)  They also have MANY options for those who have special dietary restrictions…you know, things like gluten-free toast and egg whites only omelettes.  My two absolute favorite things on the menu are:  their signature Tomato Artichoke Soup (I’ve located a “copycat” recipe which comes close- you can find it in yesterday’s blogpost!) and the Patachou Chopped Cobb Salad complete with applewood smoked bacon, avocado, chicken, tomatoes, hard boiled egg, Gorgonzola cheese and a delicious homemade vinaigrette.

SEPT 8 2012 004_crop

Sooo……if you’re in the Indy-area and have NOT been to a Cafe Patachou or Petite Chou – – what are you waiting for?  I promise  you won’t be disappointed!


If you’re a Patachou or Petite Chou regular – what is YOUR fave or “go to” item on their menu?  I’m curious!

Another FASHION Friday Favorite

Ladies!  My fingers (and toes) are crossed in the hopes that FALL is just around the corner!  Who doesn’t LOVE fall?  I could go on and on about what, specifically, I love about fall but instead here is a little peek at some of my specific fall faves:

Fall Collage

Scuba hoodies, PSL’s (Yes, I know what’s in them – I have 1 every year…sue me), pumpkin spice candles, Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale, pumpkin-patching with my kiddies, fall clothes, football & (healthy) comfort foods.  Let’s stop here, however, & focus on one of fall’s most essential wardrobe items – – THE SKINNY JEAN.  I clearly remember the day I sat at my desk at work instant messaging with a good friend of mine who was living in Los Angeles….I was swearing up and down that I’d NEVER wear skinny jeans.  I was convinced they were not for my muscular legs and pretty much just thought they’d look hideous.  Fast forward to NOW & I am eating my words as I LOVE LOVE LOVE my favorite pair of skinnies!!!  You’ll be shocked to know that:

1.  They did not cost $200 (I’d NEVER spend that much on jeans….ever.)

2.  They aren’t some trendy brand.

I think that people ASSUME you must spend a ton and shop ONLY at stores like Nordstrom or Saks for good skinnies (or jeans in general).  The winner here?  Good old Gap 1969 Always Skinny jeans.  Yep, the Gap.  These fit like a glove & come with just the right amount of stretch, but not too much that within an hour of wearing them you are constantly tugging and pulling them up (you ladies know what I mean).  They are FABULOUS.   Perfect for booties, flats, riding boots, Uggs & even my beloved Hunters.  I promise they’ll be your favorite too – – rush out and try some & then start stocking up for FALL!  (Bonus:  These are ON SALE for Labor Day – regularly $69, marked down to $41 – – !!!)


Do YOU have a fave pair of skinnies?  If so, please share!  

What are some of your other fall favorites?  

Workout of the Week #4

I tried a new workout format and wow, I like this!  My class members will be seeing this in some our classes soon.  Thanks to the cross fit world, I tried out an EMOM workout: Every Minute on the Minute.  You can read more information about this kind of workout here and here.

In the crossfit world, they are doing these exercises with weight and only 1-5 reps at a time and of course with heavy weight.  I can’t wait to get back to lifting more so I can do this format with some dead lifts, thrusters and pull-ups.  I think my hubby will also enjoy some EMOM workouts now that after all these years he allows me to “suggest” workouts for him.

So here is my quick at-home EMOM using body weight (and maybe a few more reps than the crossfit world).  I thought it would be tough and man I was right- give it a whirl yourself!

WOW #4

 We want to know: what did you think of this workout?

8 Great Tips for a Healthy School Lunch

Back to school we go (or have already gone)!!!  What an exciting time it can be for both kids and parents, but the busy schedules can also put a damper on our healthy eating.  After spending 7 years in the schools, I have developed a huge passion for advocating for healthy school lunches for our children.  The lunches the schools are feeding are not healthy, and what I am seeing most of the parents pack for their children are not much better.

We eat to fuel our body…. right?  Well, we should.  Cheetos, fruit snacks, fruit juice, lunchables, cups of fruit in fruit syrup, and veggie chips are not fuel for our bodies.  The lunch we are feeding our children is what is going to get them through the rest of the day: help them concentrate, perform their best, maybe run around at recess, stay awake and sometimes even get them through their after-school activities.

Here are some tips to help you better fuel your munchkin:

1.  Balance & Plan: When packing a school lunch, make it balanced and be sure to include a a fruit, a vegetable and a protein (protein doesn’t have to be meat).  Also, take time Sunday night (or when you do your grocery shopping) to decide what you will pack your munchkin each day, this will allow you to balance the intake of his/her food.  After all, we need to let our munchkins live a little and learn what it means to eat balanced too.

Whats For Lunch

(Check out a free version of this menu planner here)

2. Pack Fresh: Fresh fruits & vegetables are always best!  If your munchkin prefers for their fruits to be cut up, rub a little lemon juice on items that might brown.  Fresh veggies with hummus or balsamic dressing for dipping is a great option.

3. Water or White Milk:  Water or milk is always best.  In our house, the rule is: milk for breakfast, lunch & dinner and water all other times of day (I have a two year old).  The older the children are, the less milk they need each day.  When deciding whether to pack water or milk for lunch, also remember Tip #1 and look at what other dairy products you may have packed.

4.  Allow a small treat:  We are all about teaching our munchkins to eat balanced, so allow them a very small treat.  Treats do not have to be candy or complete junk.  How about making a healthy version of a mini muffin?  Pumpkin, bananas, oatmeal, flax, cinnamon, etc.- all flavorful, healthy options for treats.  You could even freeze half of a banana and dip part of it in dark chocolate.  Or how about just 2 strawberries dipped in dark chocolate or blueberries dipped in yogurt and frozen?  When using dark chocolate remember the rule: 70% of cocoa or greater.

Frozen Bananas via

(photo via YumSugar)

5. Think outside of the sandwich– Often times we think of just sandwiches for school lunches because they can’t be heated up, right?  NO!  Most kiddos don’t mind eating cold food.  Be creative with shredded chicken or turkey- put them in a pinwheel or a wrap.  What about using cucumbers as the top and the bottom and filling the inside with cheese or hummus?  How about a lunch meat roll-up (just make sure you are buying organic, hormone free lunch meat)?  Every kid loves pizza, how about sending some of our grilled pizzas cold?

6. Be creative: Use cookie cutters, fun toothpicks and lots of color when packing your munchkins lunch.  Make it so they have something to look forward to when they open their lunchbox.  How about sticking some fruit or veggies in their water to make it more flavorful?  Or putting food on a kabob?

Fruit Kabob via

(Photo via

7. Experiment at home: School lunch time is not the place to try and give your munchkin a whole new meal.  We want our children to use this lunch as fuel to get through their day and to perform well at school.  Pack items you know they will eat.  Mixing in a new fruit with a fruit salad or combining a new veggie with already liked veggies are fine, but this isn’t the time to try  a bunch of new items at once.

8. Involve your munchkins: Talk to your child about what they’d like to have for lunch and the importance of eating healthy. Ask them what they see in other lunches.  If they talk about unhealthy items, brainstorm ways you could make a healthy version together.  This is a great time to educate your munchkin on healthy eating.

Need some ideas for lunches?  Here are a couple of my favorites:

100 Days of Real Food: The ideas are endless! Head over to her “search box” and you will find multiple school lunch roundups.  

One Fit Widow: The best place to find ideas is her Instagram account.  She often posts pictures of what she packed for lunch for her kids AND she has super-convenient lunch boxes for them.  

How do you ensure your munchkin has a healthy lunch at school?  I’d love to know- leave me a comment!

Italian Turkey Burgers with Pesto Mayo

Yesterday was one of those days when I didn’t start out with a set “plan” for dinner.  I knew I had ground turkey (bo-ring!) and could make turkey burgers, but I wanted something a little different.   Regular turkey burgers can be so dull, right?  I dug around my fridge more only to discover we had leftover fresh mozzarella from our Friday night pizzas – score!  I also had some fresh tomatoes from my parent’s garden that I wanted to use, soooo…..this is how ITALIAN turkey burgers came together! First I started with the ground turkey….mixed in salt, pepper, minced garlic, 2-3 tbs s of Trader Joe’s Marinara, 1 – 2 tbs of fresh Parmesan cheese and PLENTY of fresh basil…..

photo 1 (28)

then, I did the obvious, I formed them into patties:

photo 2 (33)

While the hubs had these on the grill, I whipped up a SUPER easy mayo which consisted of two ingredients – – olive oil mayonnaise and store bought pesto (yes, I know I can make my own, but who has time for that?)  I seriously just added pesto until it tasted good – no exact measurements here, friends!

photo 3 (31)

I had the hubs add the sliced fresh mozzarella to the burgers right before he took them off the grill & we topped them with a smear of the pesto mayo & a slice of fresh tomato. Voila!  Here’s the hub’s plate!  Who doesn’t have sweet potato fries with their burgers?  Oh….silly me, I should have also noted that we do our burgers bun-less here.  While it’s not my hubby’s preference, the kids and I never eat buns on our burgers, so he’s just grown used to it!

photo 4 (23)
