New Title: “Stay-at-home-working-Mommy.”


When I told Hollie I wanted to blog about working from home I really had no idea what direction this post would lead me!  See, I’d hardly call what I do “work” – – working with others & helping them to lead healthy lifestyles is truly my passion.  When I found out that I could make this my “job” – you can’t imagine how happy that made me!  Before kids I was a marketing executive for an entertainment licensing firm here in Indy.  I worked there for over 10 years & once Parker was born, I went strictly to “trying” to work from home.  This “go” at working from home lasted until Parker became mobile & I could no longer sit & really concentrate in front of my computer enough to get my job done well.  Not to mention, no longer was I passionate about what I was doing – – my passion was being a good Mommy to my kids (priorities, right?)  Fast forward to a time in our lives (Parker was about 3) when I so desperately NEEDED to find something to do that brought some extra income in for our family (having a husband in sales can be tough, especially on a family of 4!).  I had just joined our local YMCA because 1.  The gym where I had been going was just too expensive.  2.  I had discovered an incredible instructor at the Y & couldn’t imagine NOT taking her classes weekly.  At one point in my life I would have NEVER considered the Y for a gym….you know, back in the days when I was working, finances were stable and we were kid-free – – it’s funny how God moves you in one direction later in life that is seemingly perfect for your current situation!  No sooner did I dive head on into the GREAT group fitness classes at the Y that I started to become aware of just WHAT I could possibly “do” with my love of health and fitness.  Who knew that the charismatic, SUPER talented favorite instructor which had caused me to join the Y was also going to, in turn, change my life?  SHE didn’t know the problems we were facing financially, nor did many people to be honest.  She just saw my enthusiasm for health and fitness & promptly asked me to “join her team!”  By joining her “team” – I became a Beachbody Coach & have been “working” from home SERVING other people for over 1 year now.  I simply HELP others become healthy – – fitness + nutrition, it goes hand in hand.  This “work” has fueled my passion for what I’ve always known I’ve wanted to do in life – work in the health and fitness industry.  Now I get to do this FROM HOME where I never feel like I am missing a single step with my kiddies!  “How?” you may ask when I say I do this from home (and actually make a pretty steady income – bonus!) AND it doesn’t disrupt my “family life.”  Well, I simply MAKE the time I need to work & do it when the kids aren’t around.  For me that means waking up at 5am EVERY morning and “working,” which I honestly look forward to – – it’s quiet, I can enjoy my coffee in peace & remember, I love what I do, so I’m anxious to wake up & “check in” every morning!  I run various fitness support and accountability groups online & the rush I get when these groups are really clicking and working hard is indescribable!  Because I’m an “early bird” – that is my 1.5 hour POWER time to get things squared away & in place for the rest of the day.  And, the rest of the day is really just maintenance after that – – I can check in with my groups here and there, but I never feel like I have to STOP what I’m doing with my family to “work.”  Sure there are times when I sit up after the kids have gone to bed, but since I wake up so early, it’s usually only until 9:30 or so!  There’s really no “secret” to what I do – – for me it’s been about finding something I am passionate about doing & then making that “work” for my family.  I am forever changed thanks to a dear friend dragging me to the Y for that very first Turbokick class & for that, I will be forever grateful!  I’m super proud to say I am a “stay-at-home WORKING Mommy!”

I’m curious….do YOU work from home?

How do you make it “work” for your family?

2 thoughts on “New Title: “Stay-at-home-working-Mommy.”

  1. I am “work” from home for an MLm company! I love very second of helping other build their health and wealth and the extra opportunities it is providing out family. I head to Salt Lake City tomorrow to see all of my amazing teammates!! Kudos to you!


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