Surround Yourself with Positive People

What a great three-day weekend it was!  We had visitors all weekend and it was great to be with family & friends before this baby decides to make his/ her grand appearance.  On Saturday, despite a few location changes, we threw an early 2nd birthday party for Claire and all the kiddos seemed to have a great time.  Sunday was spent relaxing with my family and doing some things around the house.  On Monday, my wonderful husband let me have a whole morning and afternoon to myself: a nice workout, lunch with a friend and a pedicure.

Claire 2nd Birthday cupcake

(Still not sure how my little girl is almost 2, and she LOVES the occasional treat! )

Despite throwing a birthday party and enjoying some relaxing time with family and friends we still managed to MOVE this weekend.

I am continually reminded of the important to surround myself with people who are encouraging to my lifestyle.   Last week I blogged about tips for a fit pregnancy and this exact thing was one of my tips.  This weekend I couldn’t help but think about how true that was.  No matter where you are in your fitness journey (or any journey for the matter), it is so important surround yourself with people who encourage your positive behavior and/ or change.

On Sunday, my family set out for a run.  We are all in different stages of our training: my husband is fast and is training for a sub 1:40 half marathon, my mom’s significant other is training his first full marathon (at the age of 55-impressive!), my mom is training to lead a sub 2:00 half marathon pace group, my sister hasn’t run since her half in April, and then there is me who does what I can at 38 weeks pregnant.  Despite the different levels, we all set out and did it together.  We put Claire in the stroller, and grabbed a bike and all set out together.  Josh and Thom went ahead of us girls and reached their goals.  Although at 38 weeks pregnant, I am slower than my mom, she stayed with me and encouraged me the whole time.  My sister and I took turns riding and running.  I ended up doing a total of 5.59 miles, and 4 of those were running, which was the most I have done since my third trimester.  As we finished the workout and neared our house,  Josh stood on the corner and waited to cheer each of us on.  I am so thankful I have a fit family that can be together and put our health and fitness first.


(Please don’t mind my large sweat spots on my shirt. We are missing the awesome 55-year old who is training for first full marathon- someone had to take the picture.)

My workout on Monday was nothing short of pure encouragement.  I am so lucky to have a gym that is so positive, encouraging and full of people in all different walks of fitness.  My two dear friends, Heather & Farrah, who have been an amazing support system really forced encouraged me at Claire’s birthday party to step out of my comfort zone and try something new.  They both know I am not a fan of highly choreographed group exercise classes and especially not Turbo Kick, but their support was all I needed to get up and get it done on Monday morning.  (The fact that we agreed to have brunch at my favorite spot after AND the workout was outdoor and for a good cause helped as well.)  Once I got to the workout, the 85 plus people kept me going.   So many Y members came up to me and complimented and encouraged me.  My friend to the right of me made a comment about my 38-week pregnant plank that kept me going (Thanks, Brandee).   I even got a shout of from the instructor!  After 30 minutes of sweaty Turbo Kick and 60 minutes of butt-burning Piyo, I was so glad I did it…. and even said I may start to do a little more Turbo!

Labor Day Workout

(My fit-mommy-friends, Brandee & Farrah)

After this workout, there were so many pictures and comments flying around Facebook and Instagram.  There was one that really caught my eye from a lady who lost her son this winter.  She commented about how her friends from the Y really encouraged and supported her through such a hard time in her life.  They welcomed her back when she was ready… and this was her first workout back.  Just a huge testimony of how important it is to surround yourself with positive, encouraging people AND how blessed we all are to have this place as our gym home- it is more than a fitness facility.

Y parking lot during workout

(How awesome is this place?  Photo credit of class instructor & master trainer, Julie Voris)

Whether it is beginning a workout routine, changing your diet, saving money or even being a better parent or spouse,share your goals and surround yourself with people who encourage instead of discourage.

Who in your life plays a big role in encouraging your goals?

One thought on “Surround Yourself with Positive People

  1. Pingback: September’s FitParent | Muscles & Munchkins

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