How to Build a Healthy Salad

Let’s talk one of my favorite topics:  SALADS!  I eat a salad daily & LOVE mixing up ingredients to make them healthy, satisfying and delicious!  Many of you probably rolled your eyes when you saw the word SALAD in the title of this post, but trust me – – – salads do NOT have to be boring!  I try to stick to this formula when making a salad (give or take the “healthy extras” option as many times this is when sugar and additional fats can sneak into your salads):


My favorite & always my “go to” combo is as follows:  1.  spinach as the base  2.  green onions as extra greenery  3.  strawberries as a pop of color  4.  sunflower seeds or sliced almonds for crunch 5.  roasted chicken breast for protein  6.  homemade balsamic dressing.  It’s foolproof & always healthy + delicious!   My basic vinaigrette dressing is as follows:  6 tbsp. balsamic vinegar, 4.5 tsp dijon mustard, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp black pepper, 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil – – clean & easy!   When eating OUT beware of UN-healthy salads and salad toppings that are empty calories, specifically the following:  fried chicken atop salads, excessive amounts of cheese, candied nuts, sweetened dried cranberries/fruit, croutons, sour cream, and heavy salad dressings.  Always ask for grilled chicken, light or no cheese, and the dressing on the side!  Unhealthy salads can be a dangerous trap when eating out – – modify them & remember, the more colorful (with fresh veggies and fruit), the better!

Now…..I give you a small compilation of some of my salad masterpieces over the last couple of months.

PicMonkey Collage

   What is YOUR favorite “go to” salad?  
What toppings can you not do without?

3 thoughts on “How to Build a Healthy Salad

  1. Well, I’m no salad guru, for sure, but I do love citrus on a lot of my salads…whether it’s some lemon in the dressing (in place of vinegar or another acid) or mandarin oranges in an Asian-inspired salad, it adds so much flavor & brightness! Another fave is a steak salad w/ caramelized (or crispy) onions, green beans (raw or cooked), cherry tomatoes and balsamic vinaigrette; you can do it w/ or w/out some kind of blue cheese, but it’s so yummy that way!


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