About the Bloggers: Q & A #2

(Did you miss our Q&A #1)

What is your professional background?

H: I have my Bachelors degree in elementary and special education from Ball State University and my Masters degree in educational leadership from Butler University.  I spent 7 years in the classroom and as a literacy coach before choosing to be a stay at home mom.  In addition to raising our Claire (and our soon-to-be baby #2) I teach group exercises classes at our local YMCA.  I am also the co-founder of Girls on the Run of Hamilton County which is now Girls on the Run of Central Indiana and still continue to be involved with the organization.


J:  I graduated from Hanover College with a Bachelors degree in Business & went straight to work for an entertainment licensing firm in Indianapolis where I was a marketing manager for 10 years!  My passion for health and fitness lead me to first get my TRX certification (to teach group fitness classes) and then to Beachbody coaching in 2013.  I am part of a fabulous team & blessed to help people reach their health and fitness goals every single day!


What brought you to health & fitness?

H: I like to say health & fitness was engrained in me since I was a little girl.  I used to dress up in leotards, a sweatband, and carry deodorant bottles as weights to my moms 80’s aerobic classes in the church basement.  Growing up, being active and playing sports was a huge part of our lives.  I also always looked up to my Aunt Laura who is a personal trainer and group exercise instructor in Augusta, Georgia- her passion for health and fitness was always an inspiration to me.  Once I got to college and didn’t have 2-hour long practices everyday and gained some weight,  I looked to my Aunt for knowledge and inspiration about ways to stay fit and healthy in an unhealthy environment.

I started running, taking group exercises classes and lifting weights in college.  Once I graduated, I continued and joined the local YMCA where I approached the Group Exercise Coordinator about what it would take to teach some classes.  She asked me if I had any experience and all I could say was, “Well I have been around it all my life.”  Lucky for me, she gave the girl who couldn’t find a 32-count a chance.  Here I am five years later and teach about three to four times a week.  (And yes, I can now find and stay on the 32-count.)


J:  Ever since becoming a middle school cheerleader I’ve been passionate about eating healthy and working out.  YES, I’ve definitely had some times in my life where I’ve fallen off the wagon, but I was always able to quickly get myself back on.  A healthy lifestyle is TRULY that for me……a lifestyle.  I take it seriously!  I was the girl who was up at 5am doing recorded workouts before high school…..and I was also the girl who was on the treadmill as soon as the fitness center would open at college while being elected as my sorority houses’ dietician & I was ALSO that girl who’s first priority after moving across the country to Los Angeles was to join a gym!  I also think it’s so important to set a good example for my kids by teaching them about HOW to be healthy at a young age.  They see mommy go to the gym daily, we talk about what foods are good for your body & they participate in the kitchen with us when we’re making a family meal.


Will you share some of your goals and dreams?

H: My ultimate goal is to raise happy, healthy & confident children.  In raising our children, we would like to give them experiences that create lasting memories.  We love to travel and hope to continue to be able to do so and allow our children to experience the many places this country and world have to offer, while taking in a variety of cultures.

Professionally, I often ask myself, “Why didn’t I just get my degree in exercise science,” but then I realize that my time in education is what really cultivated my true passion: kids fitness.  Our country is in serious trouble with the number of obese children, the decrease in physical activity in a child’s day, and the lack of knowledge there is around what we feed our children.  I have a goal to make a mark advocating for the health and fitness needs of children.



(photo courtesy of http://www.stopchildhobesity.com)

J:  Yikes!  Goals & dreams?  Well, considering the most important thing to me in the world is my family and my passion is health & fitness – I just want to continue to live life to the fullest with my cute family – keep focusing on how to inspire others to live healthy and hopefully have a lot of fun on the way!  Our BIG DREAM (being honest) is eventually being able to afford a family vacation home in Florida – my husband is an avid golfer (as I am an avid golf-watcher) and FL-lover & we’ve made so many great memories together as a family in different places in Florida (Sandestin, Longboat Key, St. Pete Beach & Naples), we are working hard to maybe make this a reality for us someday.  Right now – a definite DREAM, but we dream BIG here.

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What goals and dreams do you have for yourself and your family?

2 thoughts on “About the Bloggers: Q & A #2

  1. Pingback: About the Bloggers: Q & A #3 | Muscles & Munchkins

  2. Pingback: About the Bloggers: Q & A #1 | Muscles & Munchkins

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