Hollie’s 40 Week “Bumpdate”

Here I am, 40 weeks + 1 day pregnant!  My whole pregnancy people said to me, “oh you won’t go a full 40-weeks, most people never do with their second one.”  Note to self, “Don’t believe everything you hear when pregnant.”  I am not sure why I didn’t learn this the first time around.

I am trying very hard not to get frustrated.  I feel like I have tried every old wives (besides the castor oil) tale there is about inducing labor at home- no success.  I have contractions daily, but never strong enough or close enough together. Thursday night I was up for 4 hours having contractions about every 10-20 minutes and then of course woke up today feeling fine.  Last night I finally was able to get a really good night’s rest.

I keep reminding myself to count my blessings: God has given me this child to carry and not every woman has that capability.  I am also reminded of the women who have a hard time carry a baby full term and I quickly turn my frustration into appreciation. From now until I have this baby I will be reciting this verse I read in yesterday’s devotion, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)  I am trying to put my troubled, anxious heart aside and remember what a blessing it is to carry this child for 40 full weeks.

Here is a little update:

Weight Gain- I have not gained any weight in the last 3 weeks.   Overall, I have gained more weight than I did with Claire, but at every appointment (besides the last 3) the actual number has been the same as it was with Claire.  I feel like there is a “magic” number for my body to grow a baby (just my theory).

Workouts– I miss the gym!  I stopped teaching last week “just in case” and I miss my gym family.  I am still working out though.  This week I took it a little easier than normal: walking, a little running, lunges, push-ups, dips, and squats. Last week I ran over 3 miles in one day and 1.5 miles without putting a walking interval in the mix.  This was the longest stretch of running I have done in a long time.

Food Aversions- none and I have had none this whole pregnancy

Cravings- This whole pregnancy I have never had one of those, “I have to have this now, go to the store right now,” moments.  I have eaten an abnormal amount of ice cream, but it hasn’t been a severe craving.  With the cooler temperatures this week I have wanted to eat all things pumpkin and this morning I gave into a pumpkin donut from Dunkin’ Donuts, and then immediately regretted it when I was starving at 11:30 am for lunch.  I attribute this to anticipation of fall and not to pregnancy.

Sleep- Last night was a great night of sleep, but overall, I am not sleeping well, especially when I am up having contractions or being anxious about when this is all going to happen. (Again, why I need to be repeating John 14:27.)

Looking Ahead- I have another doctor’s appointment on Tuesday to see how I am doing.  Right now there is no progress and I am not dilated at all.  Apparently I have a cervix of steel and quite the cozy uterus- my babies like to stay where they are.  I delivered Claire at 40 weeks and 4 days.


I am hoping with patience and time this baby will come on his/ her own.  In the meantime, we are enjoying what will most likely be our last weekend as a family of 3.  Last night we enjoyed dinner at the local Mexican restaurant and picking some mums.  This morning we will head out for run for the hubby and a walk/ run for me- I am sure Claire will choose the faster one to push her in the stroller.  And then we will devote the rest of the day for college football course (especially cheering on the Irish tonight).

Jamie is looking forward to that blog post when she gets to announce whether or not Muscles & Munchkins is welcoming a new  boy or girl munchkin…. Until then, enjoy your day!

If you are a Mom, did you go late or early with your munchkins?
What do you have planned for your weekend?  

(Don’t forget, every time you comment in September you are entered in a drawing for our free giveaway!)